
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Well, about the thickness of the sheets - 3 mm. You certainly have bent how at this thickness of me

Was I, then, in 2009 to work on a business trip, the company mumbai university where I work, bought food and building mumbai university products in Germany. Purchased, however, the goods in three German cities, and in the rest of the time we decided to travel a bit with the group, days left before the end of the trip for almost four days. Therefore, we decided to take a walk in the surrounding cities, that is near the city of Hildesheim, that is to look at how people live, and at the same time as well, where people drink (relax in the sense it was necessary). By education, I mean an architect, but he worked for over 10 years at various construction sites, so the first thing I paid attention to the house in this city. So this city of Hildesheim was built in the 9th century hedgehog, residents in more than 100 000 people, houses in this town are very interesting and stylish ...
I was particularly struck by the Catholic cathedral in the city, the cathedral has a standard Gothic architecture, but especially surprising roofing Cathedral. Roofing made about 700 years ago! The roof is made of copper sheets with a thickness of about 3 mm, the roof of course with time very changed mumbai university its color, there was not the copper color, and a light green color. But all the same roof looks, as they say on all 200%. At first I did not understand, what does this roof is made, in spite of his old age, the roof has a fantastic view, any kind of modern roofing does not compare with copper. I am naturally interested in such kind of roofing and even decided to do the same roof at his dacha for a household outbuildings. On the one hand the copper roof seems to be more expensive than other types of modern roofing, but the life of an ordinary mumbai university roof about 10 ... 20 years old, and the roof is made of copper will last much longer than any other roofing ...
So when I got home the first thing I asked the company that organizes the structure of such roofs. So, the first company that has been working for quite a long time with this concern KME brand name Tecu, this concern has been working for a long time and all products are really professional and quality. Menu copper roof in this company is really mumbai university big and very solid, offers a wide variety of roofing, from Classic, Patina oxide to other types of roofs. Liked me, so kind of roofing Gold (Gold), the appearance of the roof is just super, really looks like gold roof, besides eventually this kind of roofing is not Patinir, ie not significantly change color over time. Hence, this Gold looks just unique, the impression that the roof is really made of gold, besides eventually color becomes green and the roof itself, this is an alloy of copper and aluminum, ie CuAl5. mumbai university The composition of the roof literate, and even under the influence of natural aging is a unique golden color of the roof. At these high qualities mumbai university of aesthetics and durability, this roofing is highly resistant mumbai university to mechanical stress, corrosion-resistant, and also very tough and durable. I'll be honest - it's really a perfect view of the roof, the only thing that is to be feared hunters copper, that is homeless. Thank God, my problem is 700 meters from the city, that is, there are very few homeless people, so do copper roof can safely!
Also from the professional equipment to work with the roof - part 2 professional equipment for work with roof - part 1 roof of galvanized steel sheets Beautiful patinated mumbai university copper roof seam roof seam roof Roofing Roofing copper. Dignity characteristics.
Well, about the thickness of the sheets - 3 mm. You certainly have bent how at this thickness of metal to make rebate? The optimum thickness of any metal roofing sheet - 0.5 - 0.8 mm. And stimost copper roof on the same order of magnitude higher metallocherepichnoy, so obviously not the local version, though it looks copper roof, do not argue, great. mumbai university
First interesting nevertheless: this looks like a roof over time, and secondly, if not prevent excessive thermal conductivity of this material is the overall design? From this technology more blows glamor than the practical and economic feasibility.
Yes 3 mm metal is just armor! Pick it up, the whole thing! not to mention the other About the price, I just do not say anything. About the fact that it does not oxidize - how is it? - Disinformation! 100% Vashche DAS ISH FANTASTIC! YAYA material is given for publicity???? Adresok cottages can be, although it is not necessary you have there, I think 3-4 ring guard with machine guns and surname you or your family does not depart from the pages pereodicheskih publications.
June 11, 2014 Stylish doors for life

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