
Monday, January 27, 2014

It is not so little India over Sweden. Six teenage boys have repeated intercourse with a 15-year-ol

Kvinder s dumb Snaphanen
"Those you intellectually og moralsk mindreværdige mbs og it is derfor Helvede overvejende you befolket af Kvinder" siger Muhammad, but so taketh David Wood yes it hele 'ude af Kontekst.' Kvinder your stupid", Maske tænkte Prophet specielt mbs on Swedish feminists og multiculturalists? Maske s they so stupid, they would at skamme themselves:
It is not so little India over Sweden. Six teenage boys have repeated intercourse with a 15-year-old girl against her will in a dark, locked room. The District mbs Court convicted the gang raped. In the Court of Appeal acquitted the helt.Ibland shameful to be Swedish. Perhaps this subject a little too serious to joke with but it is close at hand when following the wave of disgust and despair that came after the high-profile acquittal. The gap is now bottomless and unbridgeable between ordinary people's view of the law and the law as interpreted by Justice foremost brains
What is the difference against Sweden In our well-ordered land was notified mbs under Crime Prevention mbs Council last year 6203 cases of rape. There are 17 pieces a day. Factoring in the dark figure that scientists estimate about 80 percent takes the 50 rapes on dage n The world's happiest country, where cyclists must wear a helmet and you get fined for throwing paper on the street. Certainly it is difficult to comprehend. Sweden has a stronger culture of equality than most other countries.
In Sweden, six guys queue up and force themselves mbs to sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old and get away with it. This makes Sweden mbs a developing country when it comes to women's legal protection for sexual offenses. It's worth thinking about when we are far gazing out across India and the rest of the world. Professor: ashamed to be Swedish, not even one percent of all girls get to experience that society punishes those who raped them.
Hvordan Klara Hradilova-Selin can sige, at gruppevoldtægter you "meget sjældne" after der was 553 in 2006, og no silk has Villet undersøge a øgning, which at the time point heaved været a firedobling mbs on Tue years, henligger mbs noget in the dunkle. Any wanted Hradilova-Selin nok entirely have været free-in to let not interviewet the substance. After hendes institution BRÅ ikke finder a firedobling of a crime in such a short time påfaldende og Undersogelse værd, er der ikke meget present edification at hente fra deres side. In verdens "starkeste culture of equality" becometh der Maske now gruppevoldtaget 6-7-800 Kvinder, no gider forske in the og no becometh mbs doomed. Ofrene get a bar feministrøv at trutte in, husk it Næste gang Drude Dahlerup mbs writes forelsket on the enestående Swedish ligestilling in policy.
Group rape is very rare. But exactly what it looks like, we know not, neither on the current situation or trend of recent years. In 2008, a report by the National Crime Prevention mbs Council (National Council), Rape of persons 15 years and older, mbs for the years 1995-2006. Where it appears that the reports of "rape by more perpetrators" have risen sharply since the 1990s. In 1995, the National Council estimated that it had notified 116 cases, which increased to 553 cases in 2006. A fourfold increase in notifications in the past ten years. The study ends with 2006. What do we know about the extent of gang rape after 2006?
Of the suspects in the 1990s was 10 percent not registered in Sweden and 32 percent foreign born. Of the remaining 58 percent of Swedes had a quarter of immigrant background, which according to the National mbs Council suggests an over-representation of immigrants. At the gang rape of three or more perpetrators are foreign born even higher: 39 percent ..... Men who commit rape in the group folds very rarely. Witnesses missing in the rule and in serious cases the evidence requirements mbs high. Most reports on the 1990 tale t, 74 percent, did not even prosecuted. Research and progress.
The three sidstnævnte trades considered selvfølgelig a Sunni Islamic state in Syria, the regime of Sharia og et springbræt for yderligere hellig war. It er ikke surprises behavior, alle three s Sunni Islamic states with appetit in Sunni Islam og jihad.
But what with the USA og the other cronies? Could it siges at være in Disse actors Strenge self interested, at forsyne the globale Sunni jihadbevægelse with the VAB og dollars til the Syrian kind of chips? Og whom frugt have tidligere alliancer mbs with Sunni jihadists Baret? Can Lars Løkke in bagklogskabens brokers lysis fastholde at it was a good idea, at pumpe the Afghan mujahedinere Fulde of dollars og stinger missiles? Or the Libyan oprørere?
It billede, der tegner themselves, seemingly at være, at the United States, England og evt. Fran War believe the solution to radical Islam (Al Kaida) s, at getting the Islamic Broderskanb mbs til magten, or it is what Broderskabet have fået Bildt various ind. After Syria will tour in sidste only også til Saudi Arabia og andre "US-Stotter," what they lodged your firewood at indse after North Africa. Hovedplanen you at destabilisere Mellemøsten wood at fjerne "diktaturerR

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