
Friday, May 9, 2014

Is a collection of lists of streets and zip codes and links them with appropriate telephone prefixe

'' Generates aliases'' is the name of the successful site opened Jacob Allred, a young Mormon from Texas, and receives millions of hits a month from around the world. The site, which is the main source of income being completely new identity for you, from there, through the address to the credit card number.
Jacob Allred, 28 is a young Mormon from Texas behind the site became mackenzie a hit across the net - fakenamegenerator.com (fake name generator) which creates a false online identity and reliable, which includes all aspects: name, date of birth, address, maiden name of mother, mackenzie and even credit card number and its expiration date. Although identities seem genuine, but are completely made up according to a certain logic algorithms.
In 2006, after completing two years of missionary studies, looking Alred what to do with his software engineering skills. He decided to start and build his false names generator, inspired by a basic addresses used in the past. "I thought it would be useful to set up a website to be more realistic," he says.
Is a collection of lists of streets and zip codes and links them with appropriate telephone prefixes and concerned mackenzie that the first 6 digits phone number to coordinate geographic area. He also makes concerning the date of birth, identity numbers and other data that should be compatible with each other. Credit card numbers come from banks that do not exist or are bankrupt, but the tickets are not active.
In average, a winning Elder identities of more than 3 million hits, and through (and through two other similar sites it operates) it creates billions each month identities for users from 21 countries around the world (Israel mackenzie is not on the list). mackenzie 39% of users are American, and many others are Canadians, Indians and Australians. Alred indeed defines the site as a public service and is absolutely free, but thanks to advertising and traffic much he can create, sites have become the main source of income. He says he earns enough to live comfortably in a nice house in Texas with his wife and daughter. What do people do with so many digital avatars?
Allred says that in many of them used by software engineers to test systems as information management software mackenzie for a new hospital for example. For such purposes, the site allows you to create a large number of identities at one time (a few thousand). Others use fictional identities to subscribe to sites and various mackenzie online services. The site serves parents who are seeking a new baby there and it was used by the authors and developers of computer games to find an identity of heroes.
But despite the appearance of this legitimate mackenzie site escapes the notice mackenzie of rule of law, which has been previously reached the home of Alred. Actually, follow FBI officers conduct more than 2008, and last year NSA agents approached him about 50 thousand stolen names, and wondered if he knew anything mackenzie about them.
"There are many people who feel uncomfortable about this activity," says Elder. "Some people think I'm a horrible person contributes to identity theft, but I'm not doing anything illegal, I am creating fictitious information that does not belong mackenzie to anyone."
What evil, what evil, what a pathetic little man. First sentence in the article listed URL. You are so poor that without bothering to actually read the article, sent the Hitzich venomous mackenzie person who invested his time to write an article for the common good. Back in your hole and we pollute the air.
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