
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fabrizio Conde, finally, makes compositions starting khan academy from Juiz de Fora or the nearby t

Home Claudio Lacerda Partners and collaborators Rodrigo Zanc, São Carlos (SP) Sao Chico of Violas, Hermeto, Elomar ... (Agenda January) Wilson Teixeira Noise Water Music "alt =" "/>
Genial. Remarkable. Impeccable. Yes, just not, or not only .... Whatever the adjective is used to set Fabrizio Conde still be a reductionist term and does not express, in all its fullness, the talent of this Juiz de Fora miner (MG), land located there in the Forest khan academy Zone I know so well and which always drag me several of my affectionate memories. And in seeking this definition which Fabrizio Conde be referring? It would be possible to have Fabrizio Conde, guitar player, and another, poet, writer and storyteller, or more coexisting? khan academy
The answer will always be yes for those who know any extraordinary mining and tricks (not mania, cunning who is given a push with the belly and wait for the milk in the cup win in crying, Zoro type) but who is ... talented! Those born in that land blessed with a predileçãozinha more before the Creator seem to come a thousand khan academy times in the queue of the predicates, khan academy receive the Upper (or can be said of the Cujo, in pacts where will your fingers stuck in tree holes or holes claims taken in churches, and are the touches of viola, pray legends) all the pampering.
Oh, uai, the subject comes into the world in human form and full of plus: guitar playing ability, piano playing, playing viola A gourd like it was three at the same time (and the instrument also feel drum) the gift of writing, to recite, to convince a frightened audience that is, yes, silly, really, the story of a boat that ran aground in the river San Francisco at night mouth so he, Fabrizio Conde, began to strum a learned music hours before with an old woman named Elvira. khan academy This lady, almost mythical khan academy by description, taught touches to frame the sound of the wires the deepest backcountry. Go to the boat, even pushed by the boatman who had fallen into the water to try to remove khan academy it, irreducible, only resumed the march up the river, towards the homonymous municipality to the Old Chico when the song became another, a compass, say, well more cheerful. khan academy
This mysterious music, although it is too beautiful, according to Fabrizio, khan academy however, neither he likes to perform in public. "A week after I played it for the first time for seven of my friends know her, gathered at the house for a dinner, everyone's life began to walk back, took a series of misfortunes. I, for one, took one hell of infection, but people who had registered to the death in the family. "
Composer khan academy and one of the winners of the XIV BDMG Music Prize, sponsored in Beagá, Fabrizio Conde landed in São Paulo on Monday, 24. With three kits in hand, within khan academy which nestled khan academy a viola gourd (master luthier art Levi Ramiro khan academy , see who walks this guy, and has more good people quoted lines below!), another hillbilly and a Venezuelan cuatro, he told this passage. Conde, saxophonist and flutist Zé Nogueira, more pianist Márcio Hallack just perform at SESC Consolation for another round of project Instrumental SESC Brazil, led by Patricia Palumbo. Onstage Theatre Anchieta, Fabrizio showed songs in his own majority, except regret Sertanejo.
But unlike this simple song Dominguinhos and Gilberto Gil, Fabricio khan academy out, yes, and has many friends beyond the Zona da Mata. Recently toured South America khan academy and this tour conducted research khan academy on rural music of Chile, Ecuador, Brazil and Argentina, the basis for soon out of the oven a new album. The rich repertoire brought to the SESC also met his works whose roots are Afro-Colombian, African and afroperuanas, performed with the garden fashions pinches of balloon, milonga, samba, of chamamé, flamenco, blues, fusion as in a novel as tasty: board of delicacies with a pot of coffee, corn bread quinoa, Andean cattle khan academy cheese bread ...
Fabrizio Conde, finally, makes compositions starting khan academy from Juiz de Fora or the nearby town of Finca cross the Brazilian border, Alcam the heavens like the condor flying over the mountain ranges to go temper other cultures, landing in stops like England and Spain. In 2012, he snatched the I Contest Instrumental Studio 66, Canal Brazil, and was selected for the Itaú Cultural Project. Veteran Queen and her subjects both of the nobility, the commoners, likes several Brazilian compositions during transmission to the listeners of the BBC, while the album on DVD Anchor was seen with delight by the public Afro Music TV channel from Spain. The discography has Brazilian Viola (2008), Viola da Mata (2004) and St. Viola (2000), but only the first still has copies

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