
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Even think our reader that the author Douglas Adams has come up with the best bid, he has so far he

"What is the meaning of life? So in the real reality and not just based on all sorts of more or less academic pocket philosophical considerations and / or semi-religious contrived theories, "writes Arne Hou to Ask Science. 'I aof propagate myself, therefore I am ..?'
Even think our reader that the author Douglas Adams has come up with the best bid, he has so far heard. In the book and movie 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' calculates a supercomputer answer aof to the big question. It is most people's amazement: 42
Surprisingly, a biologist not the right person to ask if you want to find the meaning of life. It explains Thomas Christiansen, professor at the Genetics and Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Aarhus.
He has worked a lot with the difference between 'biological evolution' and 'cultural evolution'. Two things that are very different. Biological evolution happening. It has no meaning or overall direction. The only thing it does is to continue life: The life is best to survive in the world survives. Cultural evolution exists alongside biology. Freddy Christiansen mean for example that culture is in turn when birds teach their young to find food. It is culture aof when monkeys teach their children to use tools. And it's culture when we humans learn from our ancestors' aof experiences and thoughts - whether it's to build houses and raise children. The meaning of life is to be found in the culture
"But evolution and biology will not matter. It will not be anywhere to go. You're just here. And that is something we humans do not like to say or hear: that things do not have an opinion. "
"The biological life has evolved through the ages, and now here we are at the end and wondering why this is so," says Thomas Christiansen. We are seeking a sense of frustration
"We want people to attribute meaning to life. Human culture is born of a desire to understand and control the world. The question of the meaning of life is an example of the culture, aof "says Thomas Christiansen.
So if we want to answer the question of the meaning of life, we have to go to human culture. It will not addressed by researchers in the science faculties. Culture is instead home to researchers from the humanities and theology. The real question: What is the purpose?
The University of Copenhagen is associate professor aof of philosophy, Poul Lübcke, who has written many books that introduce the reader to philosophical problems and the history of philosophy. He says that the question really can be understood in two ways: Either: What is the purpose of life? Or: What is life all about?
It's actually two very different questions. When biology professor Freddy aof Christiansen researcher in biological evolution, he explores the reality of what life is all about. Therefore, he can not answer what the purpose of life is.
"When people usually ask for the meaning of life, they think proper, 'What is the purpose of life?' And the equivalent of modern philosophy that life has a purpose. We have to find yourself, "says Poul Lübcke. In the past, philosophers believed in a god
"In Plato is, for example, some so-called" ideas "as the basis for the whole of existence. These ideas give a purpose to the world and determines human tasks in the world.
"In late-antiquity Christianity are the ideas - for example, by Augustin - identified with 'the aof mind of God before the creation'. And in general, medieval and later times of the Christian belief that there is an underlying creator who determines the purposes for which man must live up to, "says Mr Lübcke. Philosophers slowly lost faith
Around 1800 attempted philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel to convince his contemporaries that 'the divine sense' appeared in the story. This enabled the development and thus life a purpose.
"But after Hegel's death in 1831, one can see that philosophers are becoming increasingly skeptical of whether there is something behind it - call it the ideas, God or reason - which gives life a meaning."
"But where philosophers tidliger

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