
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

At the 5 Muslim members then stand by their decision and do not let others pressure elc of the tumb

Uriasposten Blog Archive Christmas in Kokkedal elc - Section 5: Democracy is just one of many ways to get his way on ...
180 Degrees 24 hours Amarillo Globe-News Exchange Berlingske Tidende, BT Dagbladet Information Dagens.dk DR Ekstra elc Bladet Jyllands-Posten Jyske West Coast told the paper Metro Netavisen Infopaq Politiken Sunday newspaper TV2 by A4 Monday elc Morning weekly Urban Weekend newspaper
In Christmas in Kokkedal regret it julehadende party the responses to their flertalsdiktaturs disregard for the non-Muslim elc minorities. They could of course reverse their decision to cancel the non-Islamic fun - if fun can possibly be Islamic - but here weigh religious considerations after all heavier. Since the test with wet dog eyes and "We have been portrayed as evil Muslims who do not want the Danes well here" also failed, the storm troops now unleashed. Democracy is just one of many ways to try to get his way on. Ekstra Bladet elc formulation "the disputed territories" shows that the newspaper has understood exactly right.
it is of course as always "Islamophobia" when journalists and others talk about racism against Muslims Danes, while it is perceived as quite natural when Muslims smashing everything around them. he even believes it is "commendable restraint" that they confine themselves to smash TV2's car and not journalists! these are the people who call themselves "anti-fascists" and believe that they are the good guys. even when local Muslims stoned the local Danish director can not see the blatant racism directed against the Danes, but calls it "Islamophobia". elc "Fuck Christmas"? no, fuck the far left and their absurd distortion and manipulation of reality.
Now this nonsense as soon stop. What are the facts? In Egedal Street where there is a Muslim majority is perfectly legal and by the book chosen a board of 9 4 of whom are not Muslims. None of these 9 wanted to be coordinator of a Christmas event.
At the 5 Muslim members then stand by their decision and do not let others pressure elc of the tumbling myriad vociferous political redneck garden gnomes forward and claim that Muslims are out to kill the Danish traditions death gives as only respect.
And when it finally will be a public anlingende (boil soup in the media even though it is not even a thin cup of tea) with a local housing association board decides why is there not a single journalist who care to investigate allegations that former board spent several hundred thousand dollars on a Christmas event involving hotel stays and casino visits to tenants' expense?
Yes it is so probably because it does not project the general public elc Just like Christmas tree case does not. This remains an issue for the residents which are able to exercise their democratic right to overturn elc the board if they are unhappy. Merry Christmas and take care now in not choked in Christmas dinner and also causes it to choke.
yes if it was just about a Christmas tree did you have the right per Henrik Rasmussen, but it has never done, and that's why it gets so much attention. it hander is also about Muslims who are trying to "cleanse" the area (out of many) for everything that is Danish by ignoring or live intolerant to account for the Danes in the area. Try to turn it on again and imagine what the outcry (perhaps from yourself?) elc that would come if it had been a Danish Board had denied a Muslim minority one eid celebration?
so were all the "correct" types in the country has gone up in the red zone and screaming about racism until Easter. but now it is Muslims who snouts Danes, and then it's oh so understandable is not it? gu is it not, it's STILL intolerance of a minority, here it is just the other way round. and then when you put all the threats against journalists and attacks on cars and stroll against the Danish director on top, so it is no longer about either a small juletæ or a democratic decision, it is about pure racism and Muslim supremacist mentality of the Muslims against the Danes . if you want to realize it or not.
If you still can not see it then wait and see how they react out there when SIAD for Christmas demo December 1. Who do you think will be the first to resort to violence, the Muslims or the Danes? (Thus excluding AFA and co)
well I think you know the answer. Islam's hatred of anything that is not Muslim, and it will indeed be proven to December, although there probably should be some who find a lot of ways to explain away at by talking about "Islamophobia", etc., even if all the violence comes from the Muslims.
Fuck Christmas, yes it we will take over a democratic vote among the familiar

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