
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Based on youtube video that appears, one theory is that e-learning in social learning theory in whi

Based on youtube video that appears, one theory is that e-learning in social learning theory in which students learn well with the social environment. In fact, according to Vygotsky (1962) 'higher order learning' need for social interaction and community elements. nplay This suggests e-learning involving social interaction is one way students nplay can acquire knowledge better. Engagement nplay also recommends theory of human interactions through group activities. 'Engagement' can occur when they are working in a group that works together to complete the project and can be used in real situations in kehidupan.menurut Kearsley and Shnedeirman (1999), the technology nplay can improve and provide the 'engaged learning through nplay feedback and response activities'.Ini given by students nplay and teachers through e-learning.
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